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Moral Dilemma Essay Topics Easy
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Rap Vs Poetry Essay example -- essays research papers
"When I originally began rapping, me and two or three siblings would all lounge around my place freestyling while somebody beat boxed. I even used to tell all the young ladies that I was a writer. They appeared to think that its somewhat more contacting than a rapper" (Prince Paul, The Source 16) The verses of rappers are fundamentally the same as the expressions of Black writers. It is contended as to wether or not rap is a reasonable type of verse. Both talk about comparative subjects, write in a similar style and utilize a similar sort of language in their compositions. When taking a gander at a sonnet or perusing rap verses, recognizing the two can be troublesome, if not impossible.Both Black rappers and Black artists expound on similar subjects. For instance the rap bunch NWA, and the writer Alice Walker, both spread the subject of being from a minority race. Alice Walker states in one of her sonnets that "there is no planet more interesting than the one im from" (Walker, "Note Passed To Superman" 18-19). Alice is stating that the world is bizarre on the grounds that individuals judge others by their skin shading. The methodology NWA takes is a progressively arrogant one. In the melody "Fuck Tha Police", NWA says " Young nigga got it terrible cuz im earthy colored/And not the other shading so police think/They have the power to execute a minority" (NWA "Fuck Tha Police" 3-5). Another basic subect between Black artists and rappers is "ghetto life". Nikki Giovani's sonnet called "For Saundra" is about how she will compose a sonnet about trees and blue skies. At that point she understood that she was living in a "concrete jungle". i needed to compose/a sonnet/that rhymes/however insurgency doesnt loan/itself to bebopping/then my neighbor/who thinks I loathe/asked - do u ever compose/tree sonnets I like trees/so I thought/i'll compose an excellent geen tree sonnet/looked from my window/to check the picture/saw the school yard was secured/with black-top/no green - no trees develop/in Manhattan/at that point, well, I thought the sky/sick do a major blue sky sonnet/yet all the mists have winged/low since no-Dick was chosen/so I reconsidered/and it happened to me/perhaps I shouldn't compose/at all/yet clean my weapon/and check my lamp fuel flexibly (Giovanni "For Saundra")What this is about is essentially the truth of the urban ghettos. Gangstarr als... ...;. To every one of my siblings in the avenues/I realize u feel you need to hustle cause your peeps gotta eat/Makin moves right and careful; don't wanna see you layin' level/Don't wanna see ya get a slug dark/If we don't construct we'll be crushed/Thats a test we face in the race of poor and jobless (Gangstarr "In Memory Of")This melody by Gangstarr is about existence in the city and what one must do to make due in the city. The messages found in theories rap tunes and sonnets are significant messages that must be tuned in to. They talk about what's going on in the public eye and what we need to do to transform it or now and again stop it. In end, the verses of rappers are entirely equivalent to the verbally expressed expressions of Black artists. There can be examinations made in the style of composing, the subjects, language and the messages behind the compositions. These similitudes make rap a practical type of verse that is delighted in and comprehended by youngsters in the present society. The present young people, much of the time, would, not read verse and fathom the message, at the same time, they would tune in to rap and have the option to comprehend the thought the craftsman is attempting to get over.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Archetype of Ulysses in the Odyssey :: essays research papers
We have perused a courageous story called The Odyssey. It was about a saint named Ulysses who experiences numerous contentions to return home. He has confronted beasts to excellent ladies, however he despite everything returned home. Ulysses fits the model of a paradigm. There are three different ways he fits into the model. One way that Ulysses fits into the model of a paradigm is that he has an otherworldly force. A paradigm implies a unique example. Ullyses has the capacities of solidarity. He is likewise cunning. Ulysses has alot of solidarity since he can twist the bow to interface it however nobody else could. He had additionally liffted his men onto his boat in pairs. He is likewise astute in light of the fact that he outmaneuvered a considerable lot of the beasts he confronted. For instance, when Ulysses confronted the cyclops Polyphemus he intended to daze his one eye. It was extremely shrewd when Ulysses and his men stowed away under the sheeps. Another way that Ulysses fits the model of a paradigm is that he has flaws.In different words he isn't perfect.If he was immaculate he would be exhausting and it wouldnt be fascinating on the off chance that he does the amazingest thing.It wouldnt be intriguing in light of the fact that you would as of now expect that from somebody who is perfect.One of Ulysses defect is that he is eager. In the start of the story when Ulysses won the war between Troy he had taken all the fortunes. He had taken such a significant number of there transport scarcely had space for food. At that point when they went to more places he got avaricious and took more fortunes currently ruling out food.That is the reason Ulysses and his men went hungry. He is additionally somewhat difficult in light of the fact that when he saw his men eating the dairy cattle that was illegal to eat he had gotten all distraught at the same time, when his men persuaded him he ate. The third motivation behind why Ulysses fits the model of a prime example is on the grounds that he had somebody powerful assistance him. The extraordinary somebody was Athena who helped Ulysses and helped him settle on significant choices . Athena is the godess of shrewdness and it wasn't an incident that Ulysses was additionally sharp.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A study of the characters Odysseus and Poseidon as depicted in Homers Odyssey
An investigation of the characters Odysseus and Poseidon as delineated in Homer's Odyssey After the occasions of the Trojan War, Odysseus and his men headed back home to Ithaca. In transit, they unwittingly halted at the island of the Cyclopes to accumulate supplies for their long excursion home. Shockingly, the occupants of the island were not agreeable †especially one Cyclops named Polyphemus. While trying to avoid different mammoths, Odysseus and his men stowed away in Polyphemus’s cavern. Polyphemus then caught the men inside with a huge stone hindering the main path in and out. Individually, Polyphemus ate Odysseus’s group. Odysseus, keeping a level head, thought of an arrangement to get away. Odysseus had some undiluted wine with the rest of his personal effects, and cunningly offered it to Polyphemus without revealing to him how solid the wine was. Polyphemus energetically took the wine, got alcoholic, and quickly nodded off. Odysseus and his outstanding men warmed a wooden stake in a fire, and continued to dazzle Polyphemus’s one eye. Subsequent to crying in torment, the men stowed away under the giant’s sheep, where they couldn't be felt and eaten. The following morning, when Polyphemus let his sheep out to touch, Odysseus and his men escaped underneath the sheep’s wooly paunches, and ran away to their boat. Polyphemus understood that the men had gotten away after Odysseus was at that point adrift. Polyphemus tossed an (ineffectively pointed) rock at the boat, and shouted to his dad Poseidon for retaliation. Poseidon, in his wrath, annihilated Odysseus’s transport, just a s his whole group, over a ten-year venture back to Ithaca. Odysseus just endure in light of the fact that he had Athena’s favor and security. Odysseus’s Argument: Odysseus was carrying on of self-protection. As skipper and ruler, he had an obligation to ensure himself and his men no matter what. He utilized his brains to get away from a dangerous circumstance. He additionally didn't have a clue about that Polyphemus was child of Poseidon. Notwithstanding who Polyphemus was, Odysseus didn't slaughter him, in spite of the risk against Odysseus and his team; it would have been similarly as simple to execute him while alcoholic or sleeping. Poseidon, being a divine being, carries on of extraordinary feeling, and concludes that the injury of his child warrants mass-murder. Odysseus thought reasonably and saved the man-eating Polyphemus; Poseidon acted unreasonably, and annihilated Odysseus’s group. Poseidon could have been increasingly kind and cleared out Odysseus and his group rapidly. Rather Poseidon broadened Odysseus’s discipline and made him endure as he watched his whole beyond words the course of ten years. Besides, this all-i nclusive excursion caused disturbance in Odysseus’s Kingdom of Ithaca. At the point when Odysseus left for Troy, his child, Telemachus, was too youthful to even consider taking the position of authority. This left Penelope running the whole nation. While Odysseus was gone, admirers came to court Penelope, assaulting his royal residence while they were there. Since there was no verification that Odysseus endure the Trojan War, the admirers continually constrained Penelope to remarry. She would not like to, rather slowing down the admirers until Odysseus returned in light of the fact that she accepted that he was as yet alive. Poseidon’s Argument: Before Poseidon did anything to Odysseus, he needed to get his thought endorsed by Zeus, lord of the divine beings. Moreover, Odysseus was in Poseidon’s area, the sea, for the greater part of his excursion, which places Odysseus in a tricky position as of now. Poseidon’s expected objective was Odysseus; the remainder of the team was blow-back, yet additionally genuinely hurt Odysseus. Odysseus realized he was in the area of a god that could wreck him on each level; he had a lot of chances to prepare himself on the off chance that things turned out badly. Poseidon, as a divinity, requests more regard than a run of the mill human. In Poseidon’s mind, this exceptional treatment stretches out to his child. Harming his child Polyphemus was viewed as an individual affront. Obscure to Odysseus, he had divine security from Athena †an adversary god to Poseidon. Consequently, Poseidon previously didn't care for Odysseus; wounding Polyphemus in the eye just added to Poseidon’s scorn. Poseidon didn't hurt Odysseus, yet caused him to endure, much the same as his child, by executing his men gradually. Let the discipline fit the wrongdoing. In addition, there are times when Odysseus was narrow minded, however truly disrespectful. While Penelope was maintaining her marriage pledges, Odysseus had an unsanctioned romance with Circe, a sorceress who had transformed his men into pigs while he had his indulgence. He additionally purposely went past the island of the Sirens, since he needed to hear their melody for himself. At long last, he permitted his men to eat holy cows of the god Helios for seven days. This one demonstration denounced his whole armada, boat and men, to annihilation. Zeus hit the boat with lightning, compelling Odysseus to swim to an island and live with a Calypso, an ocean sprite, for a long time. The remainder of his men suffocated. This shows Odysseus didn't generally regard the divine beings, and acted egotistically at whatever point it fit him.
Friday, May 29, 2020
The Exotic Murree Hills-Positive - 1100 Words
The Exotic Murree Hills-Positive (Essay Sample) Content: Point of View EssayDescriptionThe Exotic Murree Hills- PositiveOne of the beautiful places I have ever visited indeed resembles a paradise. As one enters the place it seems like someone has showered perfumes all around. I wish I could stay there for the whole of my life. In mid-summer mornings the mist on the grass seems like pearls shining everywhere. The place looks like as if you can touch the icy clouds flying high up in the dark grey sky, the sky full of clouds seems like hugging the long conifers, pines and deodars. Pine nuts and conifers hanging from the trees looks like lanterns hanging for the travellers everywhere. Beautiful and coloured wild flowers are spreaded on the grass enhancing the beauty of the hills. Butterflies on the flowers increase the scenic beauty of the place and captures the attention of the visitors. The rushing streams flowing, sounds like rain about to arrive. Waterfall scene seems to be the most attractive of all and adds breathtaking view. Aroma of hydrangea and clematis grown on the mountains smells like someone has worn perfumes. The cool, perfumed ladened breeze and scent of pines feel like a soothing balm on tired souls. Roads like the maze of winding tracks with contended faces everywhere and several sloped roof houses all around and on the mountains. Murree hillsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ scenic beauty and heavenly charms and appeal attract the visitors and people often visit to forget their stress and worries. The beauty acts as medicine for the weary and exhausted souls.The Exotic Murree Hills- NegativeMurree hills, what a pit? Craggy ugly looking mountains spread all over. I wish I would have never visited this unpleasant place. I donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t know why I have ever visited such a dump place. No sound of cars, isolation everywhere as if death has had her way here. The gigantic and motionless conifers, pines and deodars, feel like as if a musician has forgotten a melody. The tall trees resemble as if ogres trying to t ake hold of you. The place looks more like a junkyard in the rainy season. The cool, wheezing perfumed breeze has changed into an offensive smell. The rain often accompanied by thunder and lightning confined the people indoors. Noise of thunder is as clouds grumbling just like cannons. Long winding tracks are puzzling. Due to rainy weather roads get too much slippery and become the cause of accidents. Land sliding causes jagged rocks block the way. Gigantic and humongous grassy mountains add fears and give a stomach-churning feeling. Unbearable scent of wild flowers hydrangea and clematis everywhere combines with the scent of rain and becomes nauseating.Rhetorical Analysis:After reviewing the writerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s tool box I have written positive and negative description of the Murree hills in a rainy season and enjoyed writing the description. At first, I used the first tool that is, "direct statement of meaningà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . I have conveyed my positive and negative attitude toward s Murree hills by a topic sentence to make my readersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ know about my likes and dislikes of the Murree hills in a rainy season. For instance, by using the sentence, "one of the beautiful places I have ever visited indeed resembles a paradise" shows my likeness for the place in the positive description and to give emphasis to the beauty of Murree hills. In the same way by using, "Murree hills, what a pit?" emphasize my negative description of the place.I then reflected my word choice. Through word choice tool I tried to make my readers feel and experience the place in both positive and negative manner. I have used a few similar sentences to describe Murree hills in both positive and negative descriptions and to fit them according to the temperament of the description. For instance, "Aroma of hydrangea and clematis grown on the mountains smells like someone has worn perfumes" changes to "Unbearable scent of wild flowers hydrangea and clematis everywhere combines with the scen t of rain and becomes nauseatingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . In both the paragraphs I have described the wild flowers in different moods. I discussed the roads of Murree differently in both positive and negative descriptions. In positive I described them as maze and in negative description I described them as puzzling and strange. Such as, "Roads like the maze of winding tracks" changes to "Long winding tracks are puzzlingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .Next, the tool I have used in selection/ omission of details. To make my positive description positive I have used, "beautifulà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "paradiseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "sky full of icy cloudsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "breathtaking viewà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "coolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "perfume ladened breezeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . I have not described or used any ugly words in my positive description. In the negative description I deleted all the positive description. If I would have used the negative words in the positive description the reader would perceive the paradise more like a j unkyard. I used, "dump placeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "motionless conifers, pine and deodarsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , breeze changed to offensive smellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . I have simply described the beauty of the aroma of the wild flowers, hydrangea and clematis in the positive description and omitted their scent in the negative passage.One of the most important writerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s tool box that makes the writing attractive and makes the reader really feel the place is the use of similes, metaphors, repetition of sounds and personification. I was much impressed by the beauty of Murree hills so in order to make my description impressive and attractive I have used personification in positive description such as, "the sky full of clouds seems like hugging the long c... The Exotic Murree Hills-Positive - 1100 Words The Exotic Murree Hills-Positive (Essay Sample) Content: Point of View EssayDescriptionThe Exotic Murree Hills- PositiveOne of the beautiful places I have ever visited indeed resembles a paradise. As one enters the place it seems like someone has showered perfumes all around. I wish I could stay there for the whole of my life. In mid-summer mornings the mist on the grass seems like pearls shining everywhere. The place looks like as if you can touch the icy clouds flying high up in the dark grey sky, the sky full of clouds seems like hugging the long conifers, pines and deodars. Pine nuts and conifers hanging from the trees looks like lanterns hanging for the travellers everywhere. Beautiful and coloured wild flowers are spreaded on the grass enhancing the beauty of the hills. Butterflies on the flowers increase the scenic beauty of the place and captures the attention of the visitors. The rushing streams flowing, sounds like rain about to arrive. Waterfall scene seems to be the most attractive of all and adds breathtaking view. Aroma of hydrangea and clematis grown on the mountains smells like someone has worn perfumes. The cool, perfumed ladened breeze and scent of pines feel like a soothing balm on tired souls. Roads like the maze of winding tracks with contended faces everywhere and several sloped roof houses all around and on the mountains. Murree hillsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ scenic beauty and heavenly charms and appeal attract the visitors and people often visit to forget their stress and worries. The beauty acts as medicine for the weary and exhausted souls.The Exotic Murree Hills- NegativeMurree hills, what a pit? Craggy ugly looking mountains spread all over. I wish I would have never visited this unpleasant place. I donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t know why I have ever visited such a dump place. No sound of cars, isolation everywhere as if death has had her way here. The gigantic and motionless conifers, pines and deodars, feel like as if a musician has forgotten a melody. The tall trees resemble as if ogres trying to t ake hold of you. The place looks more like a junkyard in the rainy season. The cool, wheezing perfumed breeze has changed into an offensive smell. The rain often accompanied by thunder and lightning confined the people indoors. Noise of thunder is as clouds grumbling just like cannons. Long winding tracks are puzzling. Due to rainy weather roads get too much slippery and become the cause of accidents. Land sliding causes jagged rocks block the way. Gigantic and humongous grassy mountains add fears and give a stomach-churning feeling. Unbearable scent of wild flowers hydrangea and clematis everywhere combines with the scent of rain and becomes nauseating.Rhetorical Analysis:After reviewing the writerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s tool box I have written positive and negative description of the Murree hills in a rainy season and enjoyed writing the description. At first, I used the first tool that is, "direct statement of meaningà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . I have conveyed my positive and negative attitude toward s Murree hills by a topic sentence to make my readersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ know about my likes and dislikes of the Murree hills in a rainy season. For instance, by using the sentence, "one of the beautiful places I have ever visited indeed resembles a paradise" shows my likeness for the place in the positive description and to give emphasis to the beauty of Murree hills. In the same way by using, "Murree hills, what a pit?" emphasize my negative description of the place.I then reflected my word choice. Through word choice tool I tried to make my readers feel and experience the place in both positive and negative manner. I have used a few similar sentences to describe Murree hills in both positive and negative descriptions and to fit them according to the temperament of the description. For instance, "Aroma of hydrangea and clematis grown on the mountains smells like someone has worn perfumes" changes to "Unbearable scent of wild flowers hydrangea and clematis everywhere combines with the scen t of rain and becomes nauseatingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . In both the paragraphs I have described the wild flowers in different moods. I discussed the roads of Murree differently in both positive and negative descriptions. In positive I described them as maze and in negative description I described them as puzzling and strange. Such as, "Roads like the maze of winding tracks" changes to "Long winding tracks are puzzlingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .Next, the tool I have used in selection/ omission of details. To make my positive description positive I have used, "beautifulà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "paradiseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "sky full of icy cloudsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "breathtaking viewà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "coolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "perfume ladened breezeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . I have not described or used any ugly words in my positive description. In the negative description I deleted all the positive description. If I would have used the negative words in the positive description the reader would perceive the paradise more like a j unkyard. I used, "dump placeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "motionless conifers, pine and deodarsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , breeze changed to offensive smellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . I have simply described the beauty of the aroma of the wild flowers, hydrangea and clematis in the positive description and omitted their scent in the negative passage.One of the most important writerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s tool box that makes the writing attractive and makes the reader really feel the place is the use of similes, metaphors, repetition of sounds and personification. I was much impressed by the beauty of Murree hills so in order to make my description impressive and attractive I have used personification in positive description such as, "the sky full of clouds seems like hugging the long c...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Fairy Tales Are Not The Same As They Are Today - 1392 Words
During the Early Modern Era in Europe, death was a very common experience, where people didn’t care much when someone close to them died. The next child born into the family would take on the name of the dead loved one, replacing them. The main causes of death for peasants during this time were hunger, disease, poor living conditions, and lack of knowledge about health and living. Death was so common; it was a main theme for entertainment in fairy tales. Fairy tales were not the same as they are today. Our society, has adapted them to revolve around a hopeless princess or a damsel in distress. In reality, fairy tales are much darker, extra violent, and gruesome. After all, fairytales are created to scare kids into behaving for their†¦show more content†¦In general, disease was kept close. Pierre Goubert states, â€Å"†¦Often there would only be one bed, in which case everyone would share the same warmth, the same fleas, and the same outpourings...†Almos t everything done happened ins the dirty, diseased, and poorly air flowed home. Without airflow, disease and germs were extremely easy to pass to one another. Since there was only one bed, the leading cause of infant death was babies being suffocated in the bed with their parents. Additionally, children were dying in the first days, weeks, and months of their lives. Because of death was so common in young children, and religion was very important, the parents felt the need to baptize their children right away. But during the fall and winter months this easily killed their children. The weather was cold and the churches did not have heat, in result, the baby certainly got sick and most likely died, due to the very little knowledge of health care. Children were also susceptible to die from accidents because of the lack of supervision and older siblings or grandparents. Since the mortality rate was so high and the average life span was so low, no one was around to help parents take c are of their kids. Peasants were not even alive to make it to their fiftieth birthday. When parents turned
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal - 1851 Words
In recent years, medical marijuana has become legal in 23 states across the country, including washington D.C, new york,new jersey, oregon, and many others. Medical marijuana has been know too aid cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, along with a large number of medical conditions like Glaucoma, Arthritis, migraines, hepatitis C and many others. While there is a large following in the medical marijuana movement, there is also a large counter-movement who want to medical marijuana to stay illegal. In this paper I will argue why medical marijuana should be legal throughout the united states and how beneficial marijuana is to modern medecine. Marijuana could be used in modern medicine to help aid a wide range of diseases. Before talking about medical marijuana and it’s benefits, it is important to understand the background of why marijuana was made illegal in the first place. It all began in the early 1900’s after the mexican revolution. At this time there was an extremely large amount of mexican immigrants moving to states like Texas and Louisiana. These immigrants came to America with their native language, customs and culture. One of these customs was the use of marijuana. IT was used as a medicine and a way to relax. While americans referred to the plant as â€Å"Cannabis,†mexican immigrants referred to the plant as â€Å"marihuana.†This was a foreign term to Americans, and it was used by the media to portray the plant as a â€Å"dangerous foreign drug.†The media spread falseShow MoreRelatedMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal904 Words  | 4 PagesMedical Marijuana Although marijuana is illegal and lacks FDA approval it should be used to treat cancer. Opponents of medical marijuana argue that it is too dangerous to use, lacks FDA approval, and that various legal drugs make marijuana use unnecessary. They believe marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use, and injures the lungs, immune system, and brain. They also believe that medical marijuana is a front for drug legalization and recreational use. Benefit that it is isn’t a great treatmentRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legal?1249 Words  | 5 PagesMarch 1, 2017 Medical Marijuana Informative Unless you ve been living under a rock, you have probably at some point in the last few years had a conversation with a friend or family member regarding medical marijuana. Although it is considered a controversial topic, in recent months it has been gaining approval by the public. But it does not come without opposition and arguments. Medical marijuana is a complex subject and still requires more education for the public, the medical community, and theRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal1651 Words  | 7 Pagesmost commonly referred to as marijuana. Medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis and its cannabinoids to treat disease or improve symptoms (Wikipedia.com). Cannabis contains two active ingredients inside called cannabinoids (CBD) along with the delta-g-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The medicinal and psychoactive effects that personally associate with marijuana are caused by unique structures of cannabinoids. In addition, the major psychoactive ingredient in marij uana is THC, which additionallyRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal1477 Words  | 6 Pagesacross the nation believe that medical marijuana can provide a variety of benefits ranging from pain relief to increasing appetite. Others won’t provide the drug to patients until more significant evidence is presented. The drug has been a topic of debate for many years, but one thing that researchers can always count on is a growing library of testimonials from patients who have legally experimented with the drug to manage their conditions. As it stands, marijuana has had a different impact in eachRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legal?1778 Words  | 8 Pagesusing medical marijuana for chronic pain outweigh the risks? Medical Marijuana is a topic we have all heard a couple of times in the past years. It has been a debatable topic since there seems to be a lot of opinions on what should be and shouldn’t be legal. Some say its benefits outweigh anything else, and some others state that there is a hazard involved with this drug. There are studies on both sides of the question that demonstrate what appear to be clear benefits for medical marijuana, asRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal1545 Words  | 7 Pagesmedicinal utility of marijuana. However, the federal government opposes passing legislation that would legalize medical marijuana because of its potential to be abused or unregulated. The states are continuously challenging the federal government causing complications in legislation in regards to medical marijuana. Because of its history of medicinal properties and accumulating amounts of state and local legislation, the federal government should decriminalize medical marijuana an d legalize its useRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal1053 Words  | 5 PagesMedical marijuana, also called cannabis, is used in some places as a medication to treat diseases and symptoms. Many people consider it helpful and harmless making it the most used illicit drug in North America. With legalizing medical marijuana people can alleviate some health problems and help ease physical pain, but it also can bring many concerns, questions, and responsibility. Legalizing cannabis can help many people with their health conditions. There are some advantages to taking medicalRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legal?1591 Words  | 7 Pagesdebated topic on marijuana legalization is widely argued. Whether it’s for medical or recreational usages, this topic is reaching boiling point. The complicity on the legalities of marijuana has reached a point in society where legal usage has been popping up across the country. In the medical sector, studies have shown benefits, and harmful effects in patients. Some physicians support, however some physicians do see health concerns that influence their stance on whether medical marijuana laws are toRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal897 Words  | 4 PagesMedical Cannabis Weed Cannabis, also known as Marijuana has many effects to it. In recent years officials have decided that it should be used for medical usage. They have found out that it helps many medical conditions. Medical cannabis has many things that could cure. Studies has shown that it slows the response time in the synapses in the brain it helps the brain heal. For example if someone was in a bad wreck it allows the brain to eventually heal. Because it is unlike other prescribed drugs weedRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal860 Words  | 4 Pagesthat medical marijuana might be useful in reducing this pressure. Marijuana has also became a common sight in the medicine cabinets of patients suffering from HIV/AIDS and many different forms of cancer. Cannabis consumptions has been known for its ability to stimulate appetite commonly referred to as â€Å"getting the munchies.†Medical marijuana can successfully benefit its patients with HIV or cancer by helping generate an appetite through the use of plant. Researchers have shown that medical cannabis
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Feeling of Music Essay Example For Students
The Feeling of Music Essay In my listen world there are almost no classical music existence, but sometimes will still have a little. It does affect the music that I listen to now. Those classical music like a memory to me. Sometimes it will attract me to listen it; it reminds me to some historical memory, which I dont like it at all. It will make me think the music that now I listen to are no any connotation and superficial. Even though I dont like classical music, but somehow I will choose to listen it; because it let me have a feeling that jack to the century. Classical music has a pretty big influence, because listening to classical music can decreases my tension in sometime. Even that classical music is not my preferred genre. Now, in my opinion there are a lot of difference between modern classical music and pop music. The tones of the modern classical music are still singing very slowly and the sounds can make you sleepy. Also now all the modern classical music all around us most have gone, even though there are still eave some popular in this century, but most people wont hear it because now have pop music. However, the classical get in development it still cant compare favorably with pop music, because now is twenty-one century everyone get in fashion. Pop music is modern say music that a large amount of the population enjoys listening to. As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles. Its including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. It is written quite recently and has almost no rules as to how it can sound. Also its unique and lots of improvisation. In additional, classical music does not affect my life at all. In my life only contain pop music, because I am a person that seeks vogue. I dont allow anything affects my fashion, because in my mind classical music is a backward thing. As I mansion earlier, in my listen world there are almost no classical music existence. So, for this case classical music wont affect my life at all. The Feeling of Music By Ghanaian
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